Ganzua Rake Cars HU66-2 – GOSO Model HU66 VW Interior Groove Lock Picks – VAG Group
Ganzua Rake Cars HU66-2 – GOSO Model HU66 VW Interior Groove Lock Picks – VAG Group
HU66 Rake Pick (2) New Model Red Handle
Ganzua Auto Raking Group Bag
Percussion operation system by inserting and pulling the pick quickly into lock while giving tension to the left or right.
Easy operation and quick opening, the effectiveness will vary depending on the combination that the same lock has, being easier or more difficult to open. VALUABLE:
HU66 2 generation pickup suitable for most vehicles from the vag group up to 2005 with simple clutch. For vehicles from 2005 onwards we have available HU66 Generation 3 Pickup for double combination locks