5pcs XKKF02EN VVDI Wire Remote Key 3 Buttons Xhorse Universal for VVDI2, VVDI KEY TOOL MAX Pro
5pcs XKKF02EN VVDI Wire Remote Key 3 Buttons Xhorse Universal for VVDI2, VVDI KEY TOOL MAX Pro
3 buttons
No Transponder
No Battery
Battery model: CR2032
Difference between Super chip remote, Wire Remote and Wireless remote:
The Xhorse wireless key is with the NXP chip, which is like the hitag series chips, such as the ID46 and ID47 chip. The Xhorse Wire key has no NXP chip.
VVDI Super Remote is with super chip inside, it can support more types of keys.
VVDI Super Remote covers all the functions of the xhorse Wire and the wireless key.